

About Us

Best Friends - all busy, all crafty - let's make a blog! Because, darn it, we could "make that"!

Abby - The "Newby" crafter
 Hobbies include:
·          Card making
·          Home decor crafting
·          YouTube-ing
·          Volunteering
·          Diet Coke drinking
Erin - The "Wearable" crafter
 Hobbies include:
·          Jewelry making
·          Crossfit
·          Volunteering
·          Wedding DIY
·          Doggie loving

Kelsey - The "Classic" crafter
 Hobbies include:
·          Card making
·          Scrapbooking
·          Home decor crafting
·          Volunteering
·          Working out

 Lauren - The "Techy" crafter
 Hobbies include:
·          Paper crafting
·          Wedding DIY
·          Bargain hunting
·          Graphic design-ish crafts
·          Volunteering

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